Collapse Total
On the 15th to 22nd of November, 2021, we, groups that signed the Glasgow Agreement - Peoples' Climate Commitment, will take on multinational Total all over the world in decentralized direct actions and acts of non-cooperation.
We call everyone to join us and collectively disrupt Total’s operations using a diverse array of tactics for powerful, creative and compassionate actions to stop one of the most powerful and ecocidal actors on the Planet.
We need to collapse Total to avoid total collapse.
Read the call to action here and mobilize an action in your territory!
We will not stand by and watch history, we will create our history.

Drill, Baby, Drill
The Drill, Baby, Drill report details 184 oil and gas wells that have been drilled and completed in 2021, as well as more than 800 additional wells to be drilled between now and the end of 2022.
Each one of these wells represents not only Ecocide, but a suicidal project for Humanity. We call on everyone to spread this information far and wide, to act on it, to campaign on it, and to block and stop any and all of these projects.
They never stopped, and they never will, unless we make them.
Read the report here.
What is the purpose of
the Glasgow Agreement?
The purpose of the Glasgow Agreement is to reclaim the initiative from governments and international institutions by creating an alternative tool for action (inventory and climate agenda) and a space for strategy and coordination for the climate justice movement. Until now the climate justice movement has had a very big focus on pressuring governments to take action on climate, or to push for stronger international agreements within the framework of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), such as the Kyoto Protocol in 1997 or the Paris Agreement in 2015. Meanwhile, emissions have continued to rise. Hence the Glasgow Agreement proposes that civil society proposes its own plan of action, no longer waiting for governments and international institutions to do so. We aim to use a vast array of strategies and tactics, including civil disobedience, to achieve the necessary emissions cuts to prevent a 1.5ºC temperature rise by 2100.
How can my organisation join?
Any social movement or organisation, small or large, local, regional, national, or international, can join, except for political parties, commercial companies and churches (religious groups can join). It is not necessary that your organisation be legally registered in your country for you to participate.
Your organisation can join the Glasgow Agreement at any time! To do so, please fill and submit the contact form.
Would you like to know more?
Ask Us Anything Calls
What is The Glasgow Agreement? Who decides the climate justice agenda? What happens when a group signs up? How are decisions made? Do I have to travel to Glasgow now?
Getting involved with the Glasgow Agreement can be as intimidating and confusing as it is rewarding and impactful. In order to facilitate the onboarding process the Outreach Group has launched a new initiative: Monthly “Ask Us Anything” calls.
At these short, one hour calls we’ll have a short presentation of the Glasgow Agreement, a summary of the last assembly and finally an open section where you can ask all the questions you ever wanted! These calls will be open to organisations that have just joined the Agreement and are trying to understand how it works, organisations that are considering joining but would like to know more, and individuals who are part of the Agreement but cannot attend the assemblies.
Join the call this month if you would like to know how your group can join the action Collpase Total!
The next sessions will take place on Monday, September 20th, one at 08h00 UTC, and the second at 16h00 UTC. Both of the calls will be hosted in English, French and Spanish. (You can convert UTC to your time zone here)
Zoom Meeting ID: 92109307472
Passcode: 722463
Please feel free to attend if you have any questions or concerns about the process and organisations of the Glasgow Agreement.
We also encourage you to invite any groups or individuals you are in contact with who may want to know more about the Agreement and we can answer all the questions you need.
You can find more information in our FAQ or by watching our previously held webinars:
- Where’s the Climate Justice Movement going?
- Introduction to Glasgow Agreement: A plan of our own (soon available)
- Emission inventories as tools for action! Inventories and Climate Agendas from below
- What to Shut Down and how (soon available)